Thursday, September 15, 2016

These were photos selected by myself and classmates that were favorites from the color theory assignment. My classmates really liked the one of the peppers and the one of the red berries. I also had the peppers in my top choice of photos. I think this particular picture was a favorite because of how vibrant the color red is. I also like how sharp the image came out, and how it shows the light reflecting on each vegetable. I also like the pop of green you get from the stems, you can't see all of them but it adds interest to the picture where they are seen. I also personally really like the tea kettle. My classmates had mentioned maybe the lighting could have been better in this photo, however I really like that the bottom of the kettle is much darker than the top. It shows a gradient of red and I think the lighting of this photo adds visual interest. I think that both my classmates and myself appreciated that I had a variety of shades of red in this activity and that all of my subject matter was very different from one another. 

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