Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Artist Statement

I explored long exposure photography for this collection to show movement of light when it is able to be captured freely. I was curious to explore what light looks like over-time without being captured within boundaries of a still photograph.  I wanted to explore what it would look like to make images using different drawing techniques and light sources. I printed this piece in a large quantity of small photographs because of the immense amount of patterns and images that are able to be created by utilizing different light sources and exposure lengths. Different light sources gave me the ability to utilize different colors as well as changing the brightness and intensity of the light. The light sources were moved around in different ways to create abstract designs. I also used lights that were not being moved, and experimented with different patterns I could create by experimenting with different camera settings instead of the light source itself. Enjoy! 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Barbara Bosworth

For the emulation assignment I am choosing to follow the style of Barbara Bosworth. Her work is absolutely beautiful and I love that she uses triptych photography, I think it makes she art extremely powerful. I am going to be specifically looking at her "Champion Trees" photo gallery. I love that these photo show history. I think the main thing that makes me notice history is the curviness of the trees and the thickness of their trunks. The black and white photography is an amazing way to show detail in a photo because its easy to see the lights and darks and especially in the trees show the grain and the crevices that give the trees their age. 
Barbara used contrast in her photos to show the details of the trees themselves and make them the center of the photos. None of the photos feature extravagant skies. The backgrounds are plain to keep the focus on the main subject, the trees. Barbara also puts her focal point in the center of the photographs to show their importance and draw the eye to them first. I hope in this project to focus on  stepping back and taking landscapes instead of close up macro shots. I also hope to use the contrast in the black and white photos to show extreme detail of my subjects. This will also be my first time doing a triptych so I am really excited to see how it goes! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Photoshop Edit

This is the edit I did in photoshop. I was able to get rid of a lot of imperfections in the photo as well as make the colors look very rich. I also played with the shadows and highlights in the photo to make the photo look exactly the way i saw it in real life.